FAQ - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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“通识教育要求”是你在大学学习的基础课程 在你接受高等教育的第一年和第二年. These 课程通常有助于确保你对几个科目有基本的了解 in school. 这些课程也可以转到你想要的大学 to complete your Bachelor's degree.  Regardless of major, general education requirements 是由转学生选择的学院或大学决定的吗. 



加州大学(UC)和加州州立大学(CSU)都是 公共机构,这意味着它们部分由政府资助并倾向于 to be cheaper than privately funded universities. They are well-respected public university systems but have various differences. It's essential to understand that no public university system holds an inherent advantage over the other; the key is identifying 哪个系统最符合你的教育和职业目标. A significant distinction 在加州大学(UC)和加州州立大学(CSU)系统之间 lies in their educational philosophies. 

对学术、研究或理论领域的未来有抱负的个人 知识发展可能会发现加州大学的机构特别适合他们的需要. UCs被认为是一级研究系统,其设计方式允许 学生参与和联系在他们的领域做研究的教授 interested in.  The nine UC colleges are 加州大学伯克利分校,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,加州大学圣地亚哥分校,加州大学欧文分校,加州大学戴维斯分校,加州大学圣克鲁斯分校, UC Riverside, and UC Merced.

The Cal State University system was established in 1857. It is the largest public 美国的四年制大学体系,有23个校区和8个校外 centers. 加州州立大学的学校非常受欢迎,因为它们的学费低廉,课程多样 例如:护理、商业、社会工作、 Criminal Justice, and many more.  

记住,教育的质量不是问题,而是方法的问题 education is. 加州大学的学校侧重于研究和理论,而加州州立大学 prepare students with a career-oriented education. Just to reiterate, both offer excellent Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees. California has some of the best colleges in the nation at all levels.

Helpful Links: 

Private/Independent Universities 

The government does not fund private colleges/universities. Instead, they rely on 校友贡献者和你的学费来支付他们的项目和服务. Therefore, 它们往往比加州州立大学等公立学校更贵 & UC.  Private colleges may be either “non-profit” or “for-profit”.  Private colleges tend to be smaller than public colleges, including class sizes.  They offer a wide range of institutional missions.  例如,历史上有一些私立大学是以宗教为基础的 黑人学院,部落学院,专注于文科,或职业特定领域.  

  • 非营利性私立大学只专注于为学生提供优质教育 students and helping them to achieve academic and career goals. They answer to a financially disinterested board of trustees, not an owner and shareholders. 
  • 以营利为目的的私立大学就像企业一样,任由股东摆布. Their goal is to turn a profit first and foremost. Though they strive to provide a quality 教育方面,如果一个项目不能给他们赚钱,他们就会削减它,即使没有 in the best interests of their students.

Helpful Links:

Out-of-State Universities

州外仅仅意味着你决定离开你在加州的州去另一个州 state for your education.  Out-of-State schools offer both public and private colleges and universities.  Students who choose to go out of state will usually pay higher tuition because you are not a resident of that state. Please consider the pros and cons below. 


  • 你将能够探索一个新的领域,走出你的舒适区.
  • 你会遇到更多来自不同背景的人,更有动力去做 new friends.
  • 你会有更多的独立性,体会到独自生活的感觉.
  • Tons of choices! 如果你愿意在其他州上大学,你会有一个巨大的 有很多不同类型的学校可供选择,不会受限于你的专业 state offers.


  • 你上州外大学的学费要比上普通大学的学费高 in-state public university.
  • 你会错过任何你从住在家里和通勤中节省下来的钱 an in-state school.
  • 你将离家更远,所以你将不能依靠你的家人 support as much or see your old friends as often.
  • You might feel isolated or lonely in an unfamiliar place.


Helpful Links

Don’t worry! 学生上大学有很多机会 of their choice with low to no cost for attendance. Whether you are transferring to 无论是科罗拉多州立大学、加州大学还是私立大学,都有很多项目和奖学金可供选择. First step is to apply for the FAFSA or DREAM Act.  Here are some resources to look at: 

No! 虽然有些大学可能更希望你已经完成了副学士学位, it is not required to transfer. Most UC and CSU Universities have minimum admission requirements that do not include an associate degree completion.  Speak with one of our counselors to determine the right pathway for you or call 909-389-3366.

Helpful links:

Completing a Transfer Path

我们有一个很棒的工具,你可以看到衔接协议(课程等效) to ones at the university) called ASSIST. It is intended to help students and counselors 共同努力建立从加州公立学校转移的适当途径 community college to a public California university. Click on “search below for transferable courses” to get a list of CHC transfer courses to UC & Cal State.


转学并不会自动增加学生入学所需的时间 graduate. 许多学生仍然能够在四年内毕业,但这取决于 several factors. 学生每年需要修完30个学分才能转学 in two years as a Junior to the university.  Students who plan to change majors or are a STEM major might need more time.  It’s important to talk with a counselor to 决定什么是短期的,什么是长期的,决定什么是最适合你的.